LED Tools is an application that helps you calculate the value and power of current limiting resistors for different types of LEDs. The application makes calculations of resistors for single, serial and parallel connection of LED.
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List types of LED
The application providing common LED current and voltage, dependent on LED type.

LED calculators
The calculator allows you to calculate three options for LED circuits
- Single LED
- Series of LEDs
- Parallel LEDs
Single LED
Calculation resistor parameters – resistance and power for one LED.
Resistor’s value:
Resistor’s power:

Series of LEDs
Calculation resistors parameters for series of LEDs
Resistor’s value:
Resistor’s power:

Parallel LEDs
Parallel LEDs connection not a good idea to parallel LEDs directly. Even if all the LEDs are the same colour can expect some variation in forward current. Use LEDs series connections or for low-voltage circuits use single resistor per LED.
Resistor’s value for parallel LEDs circuit:
Resistor’s power:

Customize LED’s parameters
You can also insert custom values, if you use LED with specific parameters of preferred current or voltage.

Custom LED calculator
You can also insert custom values, if you use LED with specific parameters of preferred current or voltage.

Settings page contains two options: Theme and Confirmation on exit.

Depending on the user’s preferences, the application can be displayed in light or dark theme. The application has 3 options:
- System default
- Light
- Dark

When you set the systems default option, the application will use the theme installed on the device. The other options set a theme independent of the system theme. Dark theme can also be installed on older versions of Android that do not have theme switching.